I saw lina there. =D

Dinner at Tampopo on Sunday.
The food I shared with Serene Loves and Glenda and Kelina. =) Sabu Sabu hotpot shared with Loves. Grilled cheese hotate! Teriyaki chicken rice and vegetable that was shared between Kelina and Glenda.Silver cod fish. Black pig goyza. Teriyaki chicken.
School is hard to manage this semester. Every single module has projects and there may be more than 1 projects.
Of course projects ain't new for my course but the tutors make sure that they randomize our grouping so that we can't choose our group mates.
The explanation behind this action?
It is because we can't choose our collegues when we go out to work. Neither do we know how well we can work with the others and we may need their help in the future, thus we have to establish this working relationships with others.
It will be working with more than 10 different ppl at one time for 7 different modules. I agreed with the reason behind this doing but it'll give everyone a hell time to do time management with everyone else. Is this how the working world is? Well, I thought NYP isn't such a good polytechnic when I first entered. I chose it because it's the nearest one to my home. But, I realised the way the modules and coordination for my course are pretty well planned.
I think the teachers want us to have more time after school to meet up for project meeting, the days ended pretty early everyday. But I'm having lesson like 8am, 9am, 9am,9am and 12pm everyday. It's already the 2nd time I took cab to school this week.Grr. I need more rest and time management. I need more sleep. =(
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