I watched with my movie khaki, Des yesterday. It was much funnier and better than Kung Fu Panda. (Ps: Leon, if you are reading, you really should watch Zohan, trust me.) hahas..
There is this green dress/top I saw at Forever21 that I like alot. I wanted to get it but Des asked me not to and it stayed in my mind through out the movie. Hahas..But I bought it today. =)
Well, I'm going down to Marina Square TopShop tommorrow to buy that bag I like. Hahas..I don't need a sugar daddy, but a sweet dad. =)
Sometimes i don't know what is he thinking. He is being nice or nasty at times. =X But I still love him very much! =D
I went tanning with Roxanne today. Since we graduated from secondary school we always wanted to go out but we finally made it today. Hahas..We thought the weather wasn't good as it is raining yesterday plus it looked gloomy at yishun but we still proceed to Sentosa. But the sun was good!! Good sunny sun.
There is this green dress/top I saw at Forever21 that I like alot. I wanted to get it but Des asked me not to and it stayed in my mind through out the movie. Hahas..But I bought it today. =)
Well, I'm going down to Marina Square TopShop tommorrow to buy that bag I like. Hahas..I don't need a sugar daddy, but a sweet dad. =)
Sometimes i don't know what is he thinking. He is being nice or nasty at times. =X But I still love him very much! =D
I went tanning with Roxanne today. Since we graduated from secondary school we always wanted to go out but we finally made it today. Hahas..We thought the weather wasn't good as it is raining yesterday plus it looked gloomy at yishun but we still proceed to Sentosa. But the sun was good!! Good sunny sun.
We were chatting with good scenery and sights around.
We did some tanning on the beach and proceed to CafeDelmar after that. It was a good decision. Cooling drinks, good comfort and great company. Interesting sights of transvasitves. One of them even exposed her nipples like nobody business. Maybe he is pretty desprate to be noticed.
But nevertheless, we still enjoy ourselves at the seats and the pool..snapping pictures away with her waterproof camera. =D
The date was great, she treated me lunch, we took loads of pictures, gossipped, chatted, laughed, and we got tanned. =)
AND I bought that green top/dress from Forever21. =D
Loads of photos are with her and I shall upload them soon after she sent me.
Thanks darling. I had a good day today. It was such an enojoyable day. Do take care eh?Loves!!
After Tanning.
Tasty lunch!
Hi darling!
saying this again, i loved the outing and im missing you now! hope to see you soon and we shall go out again! bring me go double O !!! HAHAHAH
Hahas..kk..after my exams i'll be free..these 2 months will be packed for my schedules..Hahas..I love to go out with you!!
LOVES..can i have ur blog add? u deleted your old one eh..hahas..
my blog add is http://myticketbooth.livejournal.com
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