Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Today, in business law lecture, it says that no consideration is establish unless there is an exchange of something of value therefore there is no legal binding made.
And, love, is not consider.
Is it worthless? Without a penny?
It is something mysterious.
It comes in many forms.
There is so many experiences one may go through.
Creating each a story of your own that no one else can own other then you two.
It makes me wonder.
It makes me ponder.
Things can be smooth sailing or be such a storm.
Not getting involve, give you peace.
But if you did, you may be in bliss.
Many many things goes through my head.
Memories so many years ago.
So long ago.
Yet, it feels so real.
But, yes.
It's so long ago.
It's all I want.
It's all I need.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Ling's Wedding
Now she is back in Singapore for her wedding with her Canadian husband.
She had customery wedding dinner at OCC's restaurant today.
I didn't have the bride & groom photo yet. But I'll get it soon, I guessed.
But she looked beautiful and he looked handsome today. =)
It has been so long ago that I did reception for my cousin wedding though I have done so many of theirs before. hahas.
The reception was pretty screwed up. =X
The list was very messy with han yin ping ying, english name, wrongly spelt names and not included names.
So there is many many reason for not finding the table for the guests.
But the dinner was fine.
Food isn't that good compared to the food tasting.
It may be due to the cooking for so many tables, that it affects the taste.
But I love weddings. =)
You have nice food.
You have great company.
It's a great time to get in touch with your busy cousins and look at their cute little childrens.
I'm already an aunt of 8! =X
I'm getting a little old at the age of 19. Hahas.
Well, the best I look from wedding is taking photos with my family and relatives. =D
Bro,Dad,Sis,Mum, Me and Sister-in-Law (Bee Chin)
Hahas..I'm so happy that at least my parents smile. It is hard to get them smile actually. =)
For more photos, I'll upload them as soon as I get them. =)
I'm tired. Night People!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Ritz gathering
I saw lina there. =D

Dinner at Tampopo on Sunday.
The food I shared with Serene Loves and Glenda and Kelina. =) Sabu Sabu hotpot shared with Loves. Grilled cheese hotate! Teriyaki chicken rice and vegetable that was shared between Kelina and Glenda.Silver cod fish. Black pig goyza. Teriyaki chicken.
School is hard to manage this semester. Every single module has projects and there may be more than 1 projects.
Of course projects ain't new for my course but the tutors make sure that they randomize our grouping so that we can't choose our group mates.
The explanation behind this action?
It is because we can't choose our collegues when we go out to work. Neither do we know how well we can work with the others and we may need their help in the future, thus we have to establish this working relationships with others.
It will be working with more than 10 different ppl at one time for 7 different modules. I agreed with the reason behind this doing but it'll give everyone a hell time to do time management with everyone else. Is this how the working world is? Well, I thought NYP isn't such a good polytechnic when I first entered. I chose it because it's the nearest one to my home. But, I realised the way the modules and coordination for my course are pretty well planned.
I think the teachers want us to have more time after school to meet up for project meeting, the days ended pretty early everyday. But I'm having lesson like 8am, 9am, 9am,9am and 12pm everyday. It's already the 2nd time I took cab to school this week.Grr. I need more rest and time management. I need more sleep. =(
Monday, October 13, 2008
last day of holiday.
I was working till 3am.
The Army boys came to visit us including Serene love came down too! =)
I miss her la.
I enjoyed touching their heads. Hahas. So long since I had people calling me the nickname I had in ritz.
After ot we went for supper with ritz peeps.
Adeline, Cherlyn, Sam, Ivy, Harta, Pong, Tine Joon, Simon, Colin, Amos, Marcus, Andrew, Raymond and I.
14 of us. =)
We had dim sum at geylang and even had fruits after that.
Slept about 6am in the morning.
We went Tampopo and eat for belated celebration of Simon's and Pong's birthday celebration.
Ritz peeps were there. The old ones, the existing ones and the new ones.
Too many to name, take a look at the picture.
Hahas. So many of us right?!
I'll post the food photos after Serene send it to me. =)
We even had ice cream after that.
I shared honey with sweet potatoe with chestnut and chocolate peppermint. Nice!
School is starting tomorrow. I'll miss them!
Shall go back and work to play with them! =)
Looking forward to see my clique! =D
Saturday, October 11, 2008
finally, my laptop is working!
Didn't know you guys still visit my blog. =D
Thanks for the concern. =)
My blog isn't dead okay, Leon.
It was "sick" and needed a long rest well the owner has no time to accompany it to see the doctor. =D
Thanks Leonard! Blessing my blog with happiness. It's so much kinder of you than Leon. *Ahem*
But when can I see you guys at ritz outing?
I didn't manage to talk to you guys much at recent ritz outing. =X
Let me blog about what happened during this one month.
1) I attended my bro's ROM. He is 21 and it took them a year to managed to wait their their wedding day to arrived. I shall post the pictures soon.
2) I finally passed my driving. =D
3) Went to SiSi's bday chalet and manage to chat with those army boys.
4) Celebrated Jie Wen's bday at Kbox. =)
5) I met up with shu hui and shopped! Your new bag is still with me!
I finally able to joined the ritz driver gang and may I be able to drive during our outing.
6) Been working and working and working during the holiday.
7) I worked F1. Though I wanted to sit SG flyer but working there for 3days makes me dislike flyer architecture design and hates Formula 1 cars! They nearly have me lossing my hearing and my legs for walking so freaking long just to do my service.
8) I had good food for so many days! Tampopo, Sokudo ( the japanese mache) , soup restaurant.
9) Bought 2 new bags, 1 new tops, 1 new pumps and a new shorts. (But getting another footwear I guess, slippers and another pumps. =X)
10) I am tan-ner now. hahas.
11) I finished twilight but the other 3 books with my other dears.
12) Whether I managed to slim down, you people will tell me.hahas.
13) Most of my wishlist items are accomplished! Left a few more to go. =D
14) I went to St James on Wednesday with Ritz peeps to loosen up and to celebrate birthday with Simon and pong.
I saw LINA DARL there. Hahas..
15) Happy Birthday to SIMON BRO and PONG!
16) Having supper after work tonight and will be having birthday dinner Simon and Pong on sunday!
17) Prepare for the new semester!!
Hahas, that about it for the month I guessed. I have been sleeping most of the time. =X
Things may not be smooth sailing.
There is so many things happening.
Many things that I don't want it to happen.
Many things that I tried to avoid.
There are situations I did not handle well.
Things I did not manage to fend off well.
May it be an obstacle, or a problem.
Let action be the best solution.
It's a challenge to work things out in my life.
I must have faith in myself, who I'm really am.