Wednesday, December 31, 2008
pampered in a silent way
I was supposed to watch a movie for school ICA4 for my superhost.
It is to appreciate and critic performing art of our own preference of films. =)
For your information, ICA refers to in- course assessment that are tests or project that contribute to our overall grade for that module.
It was a show that lasted about 3hours.
Seriously, it’s a great show.
It is inspirational yet touching and romantic.
It deserves a high rating.
I think, I’m really a pampered child.
I received my DisneyWorld attachment package today.
This month, dad business went down, a few of his customers has financial crisis, my maid hospitalized and he and mum visited the doctor frequently this few days.
He has been earning less now, yet he has to spend so much.
I asked him for New Year clothing money and he told me all.
Yet, he still give me the money, more than sufficient.
I asked him again, can I still go to Disney attachment?
What he said touches me.
“Go ah, just go.”
“Do you have sufficient cash for me to go dad?”
“Do they need the money now? It’s ok, you want to go, just go eh.”
“Nope. Not yet. I just received the package of document”
“ Just let me know whenever they want you to pay for it alright.”
I used to want to go France for student exchange programme, going over there for 4months to study but dad said it was a waste of money but he is supportive of me going to Disney.
I’m touched.
People who speak the least did the most I guess.
People who talks a lot are too busy to do what they say.
Thanks dad.
Thanks for pampering me silently.
Though you seldom express them, but thanks for loving me the way you do.
Thanks mum for supporting my decisions, my ideas, my dreams.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
dreaming of being a pamper princess
All the projects and deadlines arriving.
Unmanageable time available between members, trying to figure out the right project directions and trying to finish 6 projects.
2 projects due on Monday and Tuesday.
God bless me man. =(
I only left with 4 weeks before exams is here.
Should I go back to Malaysia?
24-27 Jan.
But I'm having 6 examinable papers and the trip cut through half of my study week.
HOW?? =(
Girls love to be pamper.
Do they derserved to be pamper and treated like a princess?
I'm demanding to be pampered nowadays.
Want more compromise from others.
I think I gave in too much in the past I guess. Hahas.
But isn't it nice being pampered?
Being the one who is given in by others,
having somemore to be observant of your little moves.
Having someone to care, someone to share the sorrow and joy.
Someone to make sure things are well taken for you, just want you to be happy.
Yet, not asking anything in return.
It sound good doesn't it?
I think i'm like describing what a parents willing to do.
But sometimes, I do hope to they do have some be able pay a little care, attention and love to their children.
Dad is having mood swing again. =(
he is just keeping his problems to himself?
Or manupause ? (Though I know it only happens to older woman)
What i can do, is to dream of being pampered i guess.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
i need a break
I'm so tied up.
So tired.
I have been busy preparing my attachment's document with Disney.
Rushing 5 projects during the holiday.
It is pretty tiring, turning up at school like 10am and the projects can dragged till like 6pm or even later.
You are lucky to have to do a project a day but usually it is cramped like 2, 3projects in a day.
I went to Malaysia High Commission yesterday.
I can only describe it this way.
It is at some ulu pandan place that I have to cab there during the peak hour.
I was there at 9am to 4pm.
Waited for 7hours to get my passport renew.
My bloody god can?
At least one good thing.
I burnt a hole getting a new pair of spectacles.
Earn them, spent them.
It is worth it to pamper myself with a great gift for christmas.
* It looks okay on me?*
At least tommorrow will be a relaxing day.
I'm out with clique for christmas eve partayyy. =)
I give up earning more on christmas day just to be with you girls.
Ain't I sweet? =D
Friday, November 28, 2008
Disney Attachment.
So busy.
Every week, there are projects meeting, icas, tutorials to do, lectures to attend.
I'm so exhausted.
Everyday I go to school, the only thing in my mind is to go home quick and sleep. =X
2 ica next week. Again.
Written for human resource management and lab opera operation ica for hotel operations this time. =(
I haven't did any revision at all!
I'm going for my Disney attachment.
6months in United States, Orlando.
I'm leaving on 28th March 09 and coming back at 2nd October 09.
Anyone celebrating farewell for me?
Or early birthday celebration?
My birthday is stuck half way through my attachment. =(
I'm starting to worry a little.
Never been away from home for so long.
I'm a spoilt little girl that have to learn to be independent.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Same script different cast.
It is an issue that happens every now and then.
You will spare a thought for your wife being busy and tired from school but why do you reprimand me on my part.
So what she is your beloved?
Do you hate me that much?
Seeing me in misery makes you feel better?
We have e same blood in us, yet the way you reacted to me is so indifferent.
I can never understand you.
Sometimes, you are really a bitch.
I had my interview with Disneyland today.
It seem to be a fantastic experience to have my attachment at Disneyland.
But I'm not sure how it goes.
Hope I get accepted and I'll be off to States for 6months.
At least I will be able to escape from his misery.
Though I might miss his customary dinner.
School is at 8am every Monday.
School for Tuesday is usually 9am.
But I have to be in school at 8am sharp for Universal Studio Webinar.
A teleconference with Universal Studio management team from US.
Wish me luck people. I get to know Universal Studio attachment better and I get to know my interview results.
Praying hard.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
misunderstanding, i guess.
Maybe gemini are like these.
Those who hate you, are your friends and those who love you are your enemies.
I don't know what I can do.
I am exhuasted with my limitations.
My time, my rest, my school work, my money.
Seeing the way you are, it hurts us.
It hurts me more because I go through it before.
You want to get over it?
You must have an open mind.
You are thinking for him, who is thinking for you my dear?
You must be receptive and not cope with the sorrow yourself.
Maybe you are still not ready to give up on it.
Maybe you are not ready to get over.
When you want to get over.
Seriously want to, den let us know.
You must be ready to accept all those cruel facts or hide those sweetness somewhere for a new lease of life.
I'm your friend.
I won't abandon you.
Just don't want to be seen as a bad person from your perspective.
It's harsh.
But thats the fastest and hardest way to recover.
I'll be there when you need me ba.
Anw. I care and love you.
Jia you ba.
I have to do my tutorials, my speech.
I haven't do a single thing.
I'm a daddy girl
Met up the rest for breakfast at 7am thus I have to wake up early. =(
It was raining heavily the moment I stepped into the bathroom till I was about to leave home.
I woke daddy up at 6am asking him is it ok that he can drive me to the mrt station and he agreed.
It was just like I was younger, Daddy never reject to send me school whenever it rains.
Ya, I'm a pampered child. But I love the love he showered on me. =)
Fyi: my area does not have any shelter to the bus stop and I'll be totally drench walking out even with an umbrella. That was how heavy the rain was.
So pandon me for being spoilt. =D
Usually dad wakes up about 7.30am for work and he woke up early at 6.20am to drove me out.
He found an umbrella(my place usually misplace them =X), he passed it to me though it is big enough for the both of us but he uses newspapers to shelter himself while allowing me to use the whole umbrella. =X
He even walked over to the passenger door and unlock the door for me before proceeding over to his driver seat where it can auto unlock everything. =(
When we arrived at khatib mrt station, dad drove very close to the car in front so that I can alight within the shelter. Then he had to reverse the car in order to go leave.
It's so sweet of him la.
It may be just a dad's instinct to take care of his little daughter, but these simple gesture do warm my heart in the cold morning.
AWWWW. I'm dependent on him.
I even claimed the buying of my shorts($60) only from him though I bought a jackt($100) because I didn't want him to spend much on my purchase but he gave me $20 more. =)
I wanted to go Orlando(US) for attachment.
6 months in Disneyland or 4months in Universal Studio?
I already miss home when I attend the briefing for disney, looking at the forms. =(
Disneyland has better infrastructure with their own apartments within Disney, wireless available to keep in touch with people, transport within the place so that I can get to work free and convienently.
We get to travel the 1st week.
My clique company(5 people), only shuhui is available.
Part time working and study once a week with Disney and a major project to be completed.
I can receive 3 certificate in the end.
But Dad has to cough out abt 15k and loses about 7k in the end.
Universal Studio, spearhead of SWR(Sentosa World Resort aka Intergrated Resort) and they may offer job vacancy after your graduation to work within the SWR.
But we have to live with apartment find by the travel agent, not sure if there will be wireless available, have to make our way to get public transport to work.
It will really leave me being very independent.
But the clique company, all will be going.
So it may be fun after all staying with them for 4months. =)
We can have sleepover party every night.
We receive a certificate from Universal Studio.
Continue our other 2 months attachment with a local company.
Lost of about 4-5k for Universal Studio.
Thus, there will be more exposure to 2 different attachment and earn back some cash for the lost in Universal Studio.
2 different attachment may be value add to your resume.
I will miss home, but I want to be independent. =X
People..any idea? Give me some ideas and suggestions.
I had e pain, i go through it before.
I can't say it's worst.
I can't say I'm fine now.
But I'm better.
I was trying too hard to make you feel better I guess.
What I did seem the wrong things.
Because you are sinking deeper.
It hurts to see you like this.
You deserve better.
I will leave it this way.
Shan't say anything more.
Somethings you can't prevent someone from hurting unless one ungergo the pain themselves.
Then they will truely understand.
No matter what, I care and love you.
We'll be there for you dear.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Today, in business law lecture, it says that no consideration is establish unless there is an exchange of something of value therefore there is no legal binding made.
And, love, is not consider.
Is it worthless? Without a penny?
It is something mysterious.
It comes in many forms.
There is so many experiences one may go through.
Creating each a story of your own that no one else can own other then you two.
It makes me wonder.
It makes me ponder.
Things can be smooth sailing or be such a storm.
Not getting involve, give you peace.
But if you did, you may be in bliss.
Many many things goes through my head.
Memories so many years ago.
So long ago.
Yet, it feels so real.
But, yes.
It's so long ago.
It's all I want.
It's all I need.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Ling's Wedding
Now she is back in Singapore for her wedding with her Canadian husband.
She had customery wedding dinner at OCC's restaurant today.
I didn't have the bride & groom photo yet. But I'll get it soon, I guessed.
But she looked beautiful and he looked handsome today. =)
It has been so long ago that I did reception for my cousin wedding though I have done so many of theirs before. hahas.
The reception was pretty screwed up. =X
The list was very messy with han yin ping ying, english name, wrongly spelt names and not included names.
So there is many many reason for not finding the table for the guests.
But the dinner was fine.
Food isn't that good compared to the food tasting.
It may be due to the cooking for so many tables, that it affects the taste.
But I love weddings. =)
You have nice food.
You have great company.
It's a great time to get in touch with your busy cousins and look at their cute little childrens.
I'm already an aunt of 8! =X
I'm getting a little old at the age of 19. Hahas.
Well, the best I look from wedding is taking photos with my family and relatives. =D
Bro,Dad,Sis,Mum, Me and Sister-in-Law (Bee Chin)
Hahas..I'm so happy that at least my parents smile. It is hard to get them smile actually. =)
For more photos, I'll upload them as soon as I get them. =)
I'm tired. Night People!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Ritz gathering
I saw lina there. =D

Dinner at Tampopo on Sunday.
The food I shared with Serene Loves and Glenda and Kelina. =) Sabu Sabu hotpot shared with Loves. Grilled cheese hotate! Teriyaki chicken rice and vegetable that was shared between Kelina and Glenda.Silver cod fish. Black pig goyza. Teriyaki chicken.
School is hard to manage this semester. Every single module has projects and there may be more than 1 projects.
Of course projects ain't new for my course but the tutors make sure that they randomize our grouping so that we can't choose our group mates.
The explanation behind this action?
It is because we can't choose our collegues when we go out to work. Neither do we know how well we can work with the others and we may need their help in the future, thus we have to establish this working relationships with others.
It will be working with more than 10 different ppl at one time for 7 different modules. I agreed with the reason behind this doing but it'll give everyone a hell time to do time management with everyone else. Is this how the working world is? Well, I thought NYP isn't such a good polytechnic when I first entered. I chose it because it's the nearest one to my home. But, I realised the way the modules and coordination for my course are pretty well planned.
I think the teachers want us to have more time after school to meet up for project meeting, the days ended pretty early everyday. But I'm having lesson like 8am, 9am, 9am,9am and 12pm everyday. It's already the 2nd time I took cab to school this week.Grr. I need more rest and time management. I need more sleep. =(
Monday, October 13, 2008
last day of holiday.
I was working till 3am.
The Army boys came to visit us including Serene love came down too! =)
I miss her la.
I enjoyed touching their heads. Hahas. So long since I had people calling me the nickname I had in ritz.
After ot we went for supper with ritz peeps.
Adeline, Cherlyn, Sam, Ivy, Harta, Pong, Tine Joon, Simon, Colin, Amos, Marcus, Andrew, Raymond and I.
14 of us. =)
We had dim sum at geylang and even had fruits after that.
Slept about 6am in the morning.
We went Tampopo and eat for belated celebration of Simon's and Pong's birthday celebration.
Ritz peeps were there. The old ones, the existing ones and the new ones.
Too many to name, take a look at the picture.
Hahas. So many of us right?!
I'll post the food photos after Serene send it to me. =)
We even had ice cream after that.
I shared honey with sweet potatoe with chestnut and chocolate peppermint. Nice!
School is starting tomorrow. I'll miss them!
Shall go back and work to play with them! =)
Looking forward to see my clique! =D
Saturday, October 11, 2008
finally, my laptop is working!
Didn't know you guys still visit my blog. =D
Thanks for the concern. =)
My blog isn't dead okay, Leon.
It was "sick" and needed a long rest well the owner has no time to accompany it to see the doctor. =D
Thanks Leonard! Blessing my blog with happiness. It's so much kinder of you than Leon. *Ahem*
But when can I see you guys at ritz outing?
I didn't manage to talk to you guys much at recent ritz outing. =X
Let me blog about what happened during this one month.
1) I attended my bro's ROM. He is 21 and it took them a year to managed to wait their their wedding day to arrived. I shall post the pictures soon.
2) I finally passed my driving. =D
3) Went to SiSi's bday chalet and manage to chat with those army boys.
4) Celebrated Jie Wen's bday at Kbox. =)
5) I met up with shu hui and shopped! Your new bag is still with me!
I finally able to joined the ritz driver gang and may I be able to drive during our outing.
6) Been working and working and working during the holiday.
7) I worked F1. Though I wanted to sit SG flyer but working there for 3days makes me dislike flyer architecture design and hates Formula 1 cars! They nearly have me lossing my hearing and my legs for walking so freaking long just to do my service.
8) I had good food for so many days! Tampopo, Sokudo ( the japanese mache) , soup restaurant.
9) Bought 2 new bags, 1 new tops, 1 new pumps and a new shorts. (But getting another footwear I guess, slippers and another pumps. =X)
10) I am tan-ner now. hahas.
11) I finished twilight but the other 3 books with my other dears.
12) Whether I managed to slim down, you people will tell me.hahas.
13) Most of my wishlist items are accomplished! Left a few more to go. =D
14) I went to St James on Wednesday with Ritz peeps to loosen up and to celebrate birthday with Simon and pong.
I saw LINA DARL there. Hahas..
15) Happy Birthday to SIMON BRO and PONG!
16) Having supper after work tonight and will be having birthday dinner Simon and Pong on sunday!
17) Prepare for the new semester!!
Hahas, that about it for the month I guessed. I have been sleeping most of the time. =X
Things may not be smooth sailing.
There is so many things happening.
Many things that I don't want it to happen.
Many things that I tried to avoid.
There are situations I did not handle well.
Things I did not manage to fend off well.
May it be an obstacle, or a problem.
Let action be the best solution.
It's a challenge to work things out in my life.
I must have faith in myself, who I'm really am.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
whatever will be, will be.
Problems, concerns, worry.
Never ending.
I did many things.
Some were out of control.
Things that I won't do usually.
I pressured myself too much.
I let myself go a little too much.
I think I should just let things go.
Do things the way I want it.
Be it work or what.
I bother too much I guess.
I should learn to loosen up more.
Less serious, less tense.
Many things will happen, be it good or bad.
Either you have a share of it.
Envy of others, you won't get it too.
Show off about it, it won't last.
So, whatever will be, will be.
Look at the brighter side of life, why worry so much when the rest ain't bother?
I'm looking for the cheerful and the hyper me that I'm once am.
Mentally & physically drained.
Night people.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Chiong ah!
I'm back to chiong work to pay off my bills and wants! okay? keep me company! Hahas..
As the same time, it is a good way to ignore things that you don't wish to think for the moment..=)
I'm going to work non- stop.
Monday, August 25, 2008
those were the days
When can he understand?
When can things work out?
It has been 3 weeks i have last spoken a word to him.
It still aches when I thought of that night.
Thoughts came rushing through my head.
Memories of me when I was young till now.
His good, his bad.
Experiences so much under his love.
A different kind of love expression he use i guess.
I do love him, but how can things turn better?
He is stubborn, maybe this is where i inherit this trait in me.
How can we display love in a peaceful and less hurtful way?
I miss the times when you...
hold my hands while we shopped at thomson plaza.
tickle me when I slept in van when I do delivery with you.
bought me that andersen strawberry ice cream cone from marina square, telling how delicious it was when didn't even try it at all.
waited every night after my tuition during O'levels just to fetch me home every night.
and mum kiss me on my cheeks on christmas.
allow me to go HK trip with school to enhance my course knowledge.
allow me to work when you actually dislike us to.
hugged me when I had a major break up.
fork out your time just to bring me to pray.
But all these memories seem so far away.
So far away.
I can hardly grasp them.
Do they really belong to me?
dad, I miss the soft side of you.
I hate the cold and uncaring of you.
I am afraid of that side of you.
I am..afraid.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Wishlist to go.
It is over.
All 4 papers seemed fine. I'm just a little worry for my FMA paper.
Hope at least I have a minimal grade of C+. =X
For all papers, I really did my very best to do well for my exams.
May the best luck and wishes be with me.. =)
Most probably I'll be working very often during this holiday.
I have a wishlist of things I want for this holiday:
- Pay off my driving lessons.
- My driving license ( I want it badly)
- Get through the Disney's interview.
- Pay off to MJ's bank (for the clique graduation trip to Taiwan)
- Hair cut + highlight ( any suggestion for colours?)
- Digital camera ( so that I can take good pictures if I manage to go Disney Orlando for attachment)
- Half of a new wardrobe ( not greedy to change everything =X)
>>New tops, shorts, skirts, DRESSES, shirts and many many more.
- 2 designer leather sling and shoulder bags ( preferably light brown or burgandy red)
- Pumps
- Ballerina flats
- Heels
- Slippers from num(black, red and brown)
- Finish reading twilight, new moon, eclipse and breaking dawn. ( but shuhui's has to lend me the very 1st book 1st..hahas)
- Get tanned
- Do loads of exercise + lose weight + tone the muscles
- Long necklace (with vintage ornaments)
- Chunky Necklace ( with a single pendant)
So much I want to own.
Since I pay for my own purchase, I need to work doubly hard this holiday.
But dear people, feel free to date me out!
A week or 2 week advance booking is advise.
So that I can free that day exclusive for you! =)
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Is it because the pain is unbearable or I just want to safekeep it as memories?
I was thinking to myself.
Why am I the way I am now.
I realised that I had undergo too much pain and disappointment.
People whom I trusted had misused them or doubted me.
I did my best in whatever I do.
But it had turned out differently.
Do you know the pain I undergo?
It stabbed into me many times. Too many.
The pain is worse than the one you are feeling.
It is so bad that I am numb now.
The trust that I have given you were misused many times.
I never lie to you.
I never distrust you.
I gave myself wholeheartedly to you.
I did things that I never did for others to you.
Things that my siblings were surprised that I'll do it for a guy.
The one I came out of my house at 4am.
The one I hugged in the cold while he was drunk.
The one that I ran in the rain for.
The one that I was reprimanded by my parents many times.
You are the first that I have the courage to present you to my parents.
The beginning was sweet. Very sweet.
I thought to myself: I was the luckiest girl on earth.
Everything was bliss.
Breaking up with you never ross my mind.
The thought of me leaving you aches.
Things that you did that upset me, I always never blame you.
I just think that you are just tired, or you had a bad day.
Reasons of your bad are easily found and I do appreciate your good.
I tried my best to be understanding.
I seldom throw my temper at you.
How many times you see me getting angry?
There are times you used me as an excuse to stay out late.
There are times you want me to lie and cover up for you.
For you, though I hate to lie, I did my best to let you get away with it.
I did my best to accommodate with whatever you want.
But the promises we had, many ain't fulfilled.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
I know I wasn't a great girlfriend afterall.
If I were why did we break up?
I am a demanding person.
I demand too much I guess.
Maybe I wasn't sensitive enough.
Maybe I am really a bad girlfriend.
In my eyes, I never emphasize your flaws.
I used to see it in others but I realised that everyone has it.
It is not that bad like plague.
It is just how someone views and interprets it.
After the break up and my family issues.
I am sick and tired of holding on and working out things.
Many things have left me unappreciated and misunderstood.
I need and I want to learn to be selfish.
I just want to protect myself from the hurting.
It affects onyl me and not upsetting anyone else.
I no longer able to trust guys anymore.
Unless they are the ones who are really close to me.
I can't expose myself to anyone anymore.
Iadmit that I am timid.
I can't trust anymore.
The agony, the misery, the suffering that I had undergo.
It hurts too much.
So much that i'm numb.
You may feel that you did a lot.
I did not deny your effort either.
True, I am seeing how long you can substain.
Things usually sweet at first when you want it.
But when you have it, soon it will be taken for granted.
Time will tell.
Patience and sincerity may be shown.
Put yourself in my shoes sometimes.
Spare a little thought for me.
There are too many things that had happened.
I had scarred past.
I can't possibly trust others, lack alone committing myself in a relationship.
The things you wanted, you have to earn it.
Be it love or trust.
It was given to you many times in the past.
But you have to earn them now as you lost them.
Somehow you make me feels as if you are deperately wanting things to work your way.
You don't get together with someone before you establish the trust.
You only get together with him after you trust him, after you feel that you will be safe in his hands.
You did not put yourself in my shoes.
Sparing a thought of the past and how hard it is for me to heal and trust.
It feels that you love yourself so much more.
If I were to find a guy to take care of me, I'll want him to love me more than he love himself.
Are you like that?
However, if you want things to work the way you want it. I am sorry.
There is nothing much I can give you now.
I'm a defected product.
I haven't found a way to make myself to feel emotions again.
I'm numbed by pain.
I haven't found a way to trust guy again.
It hasn't been easy.
I still experience pain when I think back of the past.
Maybe I'm not worth people putting in such extensive effort in me.
But healing and waiting for a damaged person is not for the faint hearted people i guess.
Agony has devoured the good memories and left me tattered with the bad ones.
It will take a long time to recovery I guessed.
For me to heal, to trust or to commit myself in a relationship.
I don't even know if I can accept you or even any other guy again.
Maybe all your effort and time will be wasted.
If you have no patience, no sincerity and you love yourself more than anyone else; you can give up now.
Or maybe, you have given up already.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Revision week
Been busy doing revision.
Brain is exhausted when I reached home every night.
Still have 3 more modules notes to do..=(
Friday at 4pm is my 1st paper, on my brother's birthday. =(
But I'm having steamboat on friday.
Good food of mum's preparation allows me to replenish my energy for the further road ahead. =D
I will be studying alone tommorrow.
Any companion?Hahas..
Jia you.
Jia you.
Jia you.
When exam is over, I can do what I want to do.
The clubbing, the working, the driving, the shopping, the tanning, the exercising. =D
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Truths that I've realised.
You already know what is it that keep you hanging.
Not what you thought all the while, but just not used to it.
Uncertainty helps to feign ignorance.
It makes you think less.
It makes you happier.
But look deep into your heart and look at the truth.
Maybe it confused you for awhile and you may worry that it hurts someone else.
But it is better that you found out about it now then later.
It saved you from more regrets.
Or further agony.
I never felt like this before.
Your presence.
I no longer able to withstand.
Breathing the same air as you makes me uncomfortable.
We used to be so close.
I loved the attention and care you once showered me.
But without trust.
There isn't anything else I can say.
It has been long enough.
You know me all my life.
I tried to think of your goodness.
But it happened so long ago.
Little thoughts and actions are enough to satisfy me.
But, it never enough for you.
I think there isn't much I can do.
I did before.
Many approaches.
But the problem is always there.
I tried too many times.
Others tried too.
Now I understand why did the rest give up.
Because, I gave up too.
I don't know how long this will last.
But at this moment, it made me feel worst about your kind.
Does all of you from the same gender behave such a way?
I may be stereotyping, but this is what I have seen.
This is what I have been through.
Don't blame me for the who I have evolve to.
You made me this way.
For this moment, I don't know what else I can do.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Going to school tml for HRL lecture, then do presentation and we will be off to movie! has been so long since the 5 of us catch movie together. =)
Yesterday, I watched Dark Knight with Des.
Thanks to him, keep telling me the next scene will be.
Spoilt quite a lot of exciting part for me as I'm tempted to ask him. =.=
Next time I shan't watch a movie that you have watch already.
If you asked, I will tell you.
But will you believe the truth or you just want the lies?
You already have your own set of thinking towards me.
whatever I said, does it make any sense to you?
I'm sick and tired of it.
What you say may be right..but is it the best for me?
You always force your thinking on me, but have you consider my feelings and thoughts?
You are being selfish.
You sound likeyou care.
You do things you think it reflects your concern.
Please, I'm your daughter, not your pet.
If you already has your own thinking and has no regard for the truth, I'll let it be, I'll no longer explain anything to you.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Left with 1.
Been sleeping late for the past few days.
Doing project at MJ's place till 2.30am on Monday.
Do project in school till school's mac canteen have to closed yesterday.
Left school at 11.27pm, PeiLing and I are lucky enough to board our last bus.
I only managed to sleep at 5am this morning, was busy with today's presentations.
Today, we have a morning project meeting at 8am.
I was punctual. =)
I went home to catch some sleep today.
I went to amkhub to meet drin for movie.
I wanted to watch the dark night but ended up watching money not enough 2.
It has been so long since I last cried like shit watching a movie.
My heart aches.
It reminds me of my parents.
The love and care they have shower on us are always seen negligible.
The only that are closest and love us the most are the people we treated the worst.
The sacrifies they did exceed what we can imagined.
Their love is the greatest.
We will only realised their goodness when we lost them I guessed.
Hey drin, sorry for the chocolate I gave you.
It worsen your health and mental condition.
For those who read my blog, there are things I mentioned before and it is still that. =)
Did I take a wrong step?
Things are becoming worst?
My sacarsm and blurness never leaves people in physical or mental agony I guessed.
I thought everything was fine.
But it was just my one sided thoughts I guessed.
How can I do to minimize the effects of my actions?
But whenever I think of it, I never manage to come out with a perfect solution.
There is so much in my mind, so much to do and exams are coming up.
Thought this topic shouldn't be an issue now.
When it meant to be, it will meant to be when the time is right.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Too anxious. I don't know why.
Can anyone teach me how to calm myself ?
Today school was pretty relax.
Handed up retail project, one is down and a few more to go.
International cross culture ica 4, Hospitality marketing and Hotel, resort and leisure industry left.
jia you. jia YOU. JIA YOU!
A long talk.
Or it has always been an on going topic with me ignoring it?
Things has been repeated many times.
But ignorance is a bliss.
But i'm no longer entitled to it.
Well hidden truth has transpired.
But it doesn't want to make a difference.
Just leave it that way.
Just leave it that way.
It is fragile enough, don't shake it.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
He is the only man I can entrust myself to.
He is a busy businessman.
He start work at 8.30am every morning and only sleeps about 11pm.
Sunday, he spared time to drive sister and I down to the temple to do prayers for my driving.
We travelled all the way to Jurong, but they are having religion dinner.
So, we travelled to Bukit Batok to find aunt, my dad's elder sister.
I told daddy I wanted to eat fried chicken wings, he brought me and sister to eat it.
We had chicken wings, jumbo fish balls and cheng teng.
He brought us blueberry cheese tart for breakfast too. =)
On Monday, I had driving till 8pm. I called dad at 9pm, he is still at the temple getting me an amulet. The temple isn't just that you can just walk in and walk out within 10minutes.
I'm seriously touched by his effort.
My dad.
I thought I wasn't important to him.
But he doesn't show his love for us that easily.
I love him. I love my mum too.
She always make an effort I am fine and healthy.
She always make sure she know what is in my life and how have they been.
The ones that never betray your trust.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
My studies is horrible. My attitude is horrendeous.
I am so short tempered.
I am easily agitated.
Is it due to pms, or is it due to stress? Sickness? Or others?
Are they the reasons or just explanation to make myself feel better?
I get so moody so easily.
I'm sorry people if you are one of the victim of my frustrations.
I hate myself for not focusing hard on my studies.
I hate myself for being so slack and not bothered when tests were here.
I seriously deserve the grade I had.
The amount of effort put in, the amount of results reflect.
I hereby pronounce, I, So Kim Choo, wouldn't be any more slacker.
I will work bloody hard to get my GPA increased.
I won't be distracted by any external control.
What I do is what I get.
What I want, I can and I will acheive it!
Nothing. Nothing is going to stop me from achieving what I want.
I will remain calm.
I will be careful.
I will revise.
I will do my best.
May the luck and wishes be with me!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
busy week
I watched "Get Smart" with Des.f.
He was late.
I bought the tickets, accompany Mj and her bf and all bought their food, finished them and left for their movie and he isn't here yet. =.=
Waiting for people isn't exactly my forte, especially guys. =.=
Anyway, went he arrived, we had dinner and off to movie.
Lucky the movie was good.
I had school and project meeting.
After them at 6pm, I rushed down to work.
Left work at 11pm as I'm having project on Friday at 10am.
Thanks Shaik for the free ride. =D
Project at 10am, school till 4pm, off to driving till 8pm and I went to work.
Yes, I reported work at 9pm.
I worked OT till 2.30am.
Work was a little busy but it was fine. =)
Working with all my darlings and friends to crap.
I'm a super unlucky person. My left eye was actually twitching since I woke up.
1) I woke up late. Missed my 2 alarms setting.
2) I scratched my left leg against my drawer's corner and it bled.
3) I missed bus 138 to ssdc.
4) I got a scratched on my right hand when I get down the bus.
5) Driving center was packed. I only managed to do 2 circuit items in 30mins.
6) Waited for Serene for 20-30 mins at mrt station but she end up telling me she will be reporting work late..hahas.. *loves, don't worry. I'm not angry eh? =) *
7) My group has to serve 4 tables with 2 baby chairs and 4 kids meals.
8) 2 tables has late guest (about half a table each) that entered after the door was closed.
9) 2 new guys, not very new but maybe work like a few months?
10) 1 missing staff. She was re-allocated but she didn't check neither anyone mentioned to her.
11) Told captains and manager of the missing staffs, told me they saw her but no one looked her for me till something happened.
12) 1st time, I was reprimanded by Su-An for asking me to stopped service.
But that guest's glass was empty and toasting was going to happened soon. Should I wait for the guest to raise his hand and complained to me that his glass is empty or should I anticipate the situation and correct it?
What do you expect from me when 1 staff went missing, 2 of the guys are away picking up appetizer while I have to served the appetizer as well as the served beverage to the rest.
How fast do you think I can do my service?
I always kena such grouping. =.=
13)That missing staff found helping out in the wrong group.When she saw the food, was here, she wanted to bring the dirty glasses to the stewarding but not serving the food first. =.=
14) The guys were blur. They only picked up 26 warm appetizer for 4 tables (usually about 40 guests). I had to get others to give me their extras.
15) Dessert has 3 parts: chocolate cream brule, 1 shot glass contain mango and passion and lastly is the cheese cake. Tabeta spoon is always placed on the left or above the dessert but that missing staff girl insisted that the presentation was having the chocolate on the left with the spoon on the left. =.= Fuck. Most of the guests are right hander, it is so fucking dumb to place it on the left and chocolate was supposed to be the on the right side of the plate. And she told me that the shot glass dessert should use the normal spoon to eat it. =.=
16) I don't know why, but my shot glass dessert fell on the floor, did not stain the carpet much but it stained the whole of the bottom of my skirt plus stockings. =.=
17) Cherlyn accidentally hit her hand on my right eye while she was gesturing while talking.
It sum up all my suay-ness.
So I actually know that I am an unlucky person, I never join lucky draw. Hahas..
End work at 2.30am again.
Project at Mj's place, Yew Tee.
From about 1pm plus to 5.45pm and I'm to home.
I left the girls early to go praying, but ended up they have "big day" and invited alot of people to "eat tables" ( eat dinner) together and I can't do the praying at the temple.=(
I am busy on Mon n Tues too. Grrr..
My suay-ness continued.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
15th July 08
French always makes me wanna fast forward the lesson.
There will be e assesment for french, role playing and online assesment in class.
3 ica component. =.=
We had to wait till till 6 for the role play for Icca Ica 3.
Though at 1st the role play seemed screwed but we managed to clinch our objective by the end of the time.
Good partnership with Shahira's group. =D
After school, Mj and I went to Theresa to trim our eyebrows with Syl's company.
Went to Popular to get Mj's brushes and we went back to AMKhub again.
I met Aldrin for his birthday's dinner.
Nothing fancy, ate at one of the Hong Kong restaurant at AMKhub.
After dinner, we slacked at McCafe.
I got him cakes and Vanilla Latte.
What is birthday without birthday cake eh?
Awhile later, we headed to the interchange and off to home.
Thanks for the dinner and the sweets stuffs.
Don't try to make me silly again ah.
Hope your birthday wasn't too shabby.
Once again. Happy birthday.
I'm tired. So much to do, yet I couldn't do any. =(
Shaken but remain firm.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
l o v e ?
My clique girls are slowly falling in love with him.
Love can be so amazing.
How can a guy be that sweet?
There are always male leads from movies, dramas and books who are so sweet, romantic and loving.
But how come I didn't meet any? Lol.
How do you fall in love with someone?
For the huge one time thing that someone did to you?
Or the accumulation of small little thoughts and actions that he did?
For me, it is the latter.
It is the effort that counts.
The continuation of determination and sincerity.
Remember those little things he or she likes.
Doing little thoughtful actions for the one who matters.
Is it tiring ?
But since she or he is the one you like, doesn't it makes doing such things come naturally?
Unknowingly, you will take notice of his or her preference.
Naturally you want to do every single thing to make he or she happy.
Because you love him or her.
So doing all these is never a chore.
But when feelings isn't that strong or fades.
Or just that you overlooked that one used to matter that much, taking him or her for granted.
Noticing the details and doing little things for that smile become a pain in the ass.
Bringing a jacket out with her, just to ensure she is warm become redundant.
Sending a good morning message or a good night message become unnecessary.
Used to think that letting the one you love know that he or she is the first your mind when you woke up and the last one you miss when you sleep is sweet.
But now it become too mushy?
It is one to interpret but never anyone to judge.
Yea, I know. One man's meat is another poison.
I agreed on this one.
Easily contented.
Mutual understanding.
All these are the keys to maintain a relationship.
Falling in love is easy .
But how both party are willing to work hard for the relationship to work is the hardest part.
I know a couple get together in such a short while and have trust and faith to be tied together for the rest of their lives sound so magical to me.
I wish them with all the happiness and bliss they can get with each other love.
Not that I don't believe in love.
It is one of the most beautiful human relations that one should experience.
But at this moment, i have no trust and faith in it.
I love a little too genuine.
I understand it a little too much.
I go through a little too deep.
It hurts me a little too painful.
I trusted too much to discover lies.
Thus, now I need a break before I lose my faith in love.
It may take awhile but I believe it take years.
For me to believe the creation call love.
Somehow, somewhat.
Such effort of mine shouldn't be done.
Why am I feeling a little more than I should.
I know the facts.
Been there, done that.
Sometimes a little more is good.
But the feeling without it annoys me.
I know exactly how and what should be done.
Can I believe and trust?
Expectations, anticipation and promises are never real in my life.
I heard what was said.
But it can be so contradicted with actions.
Never to judge, time will tell.
Just listen to it and see how it goes.
It could be just my imaginations of the past.
No sway. No persuasion.
Block it, leave it and I'll be fine.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Late for an hour.
So unlike me when I am the one who stayed the nearest.
I cabbed down to starbucks and we did project from 12pm to 5pm.
We took 980 to bugis. The bus was packed and we had to wait till the stop at Little India to have more personal space of our own.
I seldom shopped at bugis and I planned to keep them compnay without any purchase being done.
But it was always in my shopping list to get a dress and my footwear.
I bought a pair of sandals from charles and keith and a off shoulder dress. =)
Total expenditure of 2 cabbing trips, 1 Starbucks venti rasberries tea frap, Ajisen hotate remen, 1 pair of sandals and a dress.
I nearly spent $100 in a day.
Over spent.
The rain was damn heavy last night.
MJ, Pei and I had figuring what was ahead of the road.
I were driving at such weather, I bet I'll be either driving super slow or parked at somewhere for lighter rain before proceeding.
Damn dangerous to drive at such weather.
The distance between the cab and my gate was like less than 10 steps but I was drenched in such a short while. =.=
Bad weather lead to bad internet connection for my area. I can't accessed to do my work.
I hate it.
By the way, it is 12.38pm.
I was supposed to be attending FMA tutorial.
But the girls decided to skipped it. It isn't my forte to skip lesson.
But I am so exhausted today.
I don't know why.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
view of mine
11th July.
I studied till late on Friday morning, slept about 2am or 3am to prepare for FMA test.
I reached school about 10am to do some revision for the test with Peiling and Sylvia.
I didn't manage to finish the test. I know how to do it, just a bad management of time.
I'm sadded. Haiz.
School was till 3.30pm.
I took a 30minutes nap before preparing for Aldrin's chalet.
I am officially broke for the week.
So I ate a little dinner before heading down to bishan to meet Cherlyn.
We cabbed to fetch Sam and head down to the chalet.
When we arrived, I felt weird there.
I don't know how should I feel being there but I tried my best to be comfortable, after all it's his chalet. Not mine. of course there are many people I don't know too.
Cherlyn went for to celebrate someone else birthday and left me and Sam there.
We were like chatting and crapping the whole time.
When we came back, no one was bbbq-ing so Sam and I decided to do some bbq-ing.
I didn't realise my bbq skills are not that bad, the chicken wings are nice, cooked and not burnt!
I actually wanted to go up to the room and sleep. I was freaking tired already since 1am plus. So Sam was telling the guys that I am off to bed, so asking if they want to drink.
I had 2 glasses of appletini with sprit. It was light and not very strong alcohol taste, not that bad actually. =)
But I cannot tahan already. I am really tired, so I went up to sleep.
When it was time to go, I woke up, went down to the toilet and when I'm done, I can't stand up.
Hahas, I don't know why.
Maybe I drank with my stomach empty and I went to lie down.
But I managed to walk all the way to the taxi. =)
When I was about to alight from the cab, Shaik offered to send me home but I told him I am fine making my way home.
Once I alighted, I couldn't walk properly and I started to vomit.
Shaik alighted from the cab to offer me tissue and even sent me home.
It was the first time I vomited due to drinking and this time, I didn't even drink a lot.
It has been so long since I last vomited, drinking plus my motion sickness = vomiting.
My throat burnt but after vomiting, I feel so much better. =)
I appreciated you getting me my favourite ice cream.
I actually wanted to eat it when they bought it but I was busy bbqing and I left it in the fridge.
It is not as if I don't like it becuase you bought it, it is just the time and opportunity involved.
Actually I was very tired, I had a long day.
I wanted to sleep so drinking made me more sleepy.
I drank because I was chilling with my friends.
And appletini smelt so nice and I wanted to try it.
I forgotten that lying down once you drink will heighten the alcohol effect.
So I had myself into that state.
I'm sorry, it's your birthday celebration and I screwed your mood.
I'll think twice before going down the next time.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Good food with tom yam soup, vegetables, fried sotong, fried fish in thai style, chicken and chilli prawns. Just have to pay $10 for the sumptous meal.
Today's company include: Leonard, Leon, Wei Quan, Square, Simon, Lynette, Andrew, Jie Wen, VK, Wee Kiat, Pong, Chew Hung, Lian Yin and I.
After dinner 13 of us proceed to Northpoint to chill while Wei Quan went off to meet his friends.
Good chilling company!
I will definitely miss those that went off to army.
Sometimes I'm a litlle not used to not having them calling me auntie.
Hahas..Many of them not working already. =(
Grrr. Someone flied my plane. Not once but a few times.
So maybe I won't have a movie date for long.
Anyone else want to date me out for a movie?
Somehow I started to dislike promises.
There are so many that I heard before and made to me.
How many are fulfilled?
I don't like it when people cannot practise what they preach?
It happened so often.
From young till now.
People who stay in my life or those who have move on, many had made empty promises.
I don't know why I said that.
Or all those I said.
I know that it will somehow upset you.
I don't know what I can do to have you experience the minimal pain.
I felt bad.
Grr. Feel so helpless in these situations I'm in.
Seeing people suffering in pain, people I love but there is nothing I can do.
I always thought I am in control, but I'm not.
Thought that doing things the selfish ways to make myself feel better, but it doesn't.
I am still worried about others.
Am I a bad figure having people going through what they go through?
Did I play a part too?
Am I mean to have my own stand, believe and things I want to achieve where it may not be any thing beneficial to others?
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Nothing much at all.
The expectations from me were high.
Or they were once there and now, they are no longer there?
Am I known to them?
Am I still exist to them?
What more can I do?
I'm already at my limitations.
I feel like I'm fighting a war at the losing end.
Can I just let go and slip into darkness?
Can I just dug a hole and sink myself in?
Can I just ran away and hide away forever?
How many children do you have?
Oh no, 3.
Maybe I'm such an accident.
Why am I fucking bother about Family when they don't fucking bother about me unless they want something from me.
They needed my service, they see me.
If not, only their precious son is in their eyes.
I don't know how much longer I can hold on.
I felt anger. Sorrow. Disappointment. Jealousy. Helpless but not love.
This is my only channel to vent out my frustrations.
When will they know what have I been through?
Oh right, they won't be bothered.
What the fuck is wrong with everything.
I tried my best to look at things in a different light.
How much longer can I conceal.
Maybe this is the best way to learn independent and self reliance.
He and they won.
I pronounced them the winners.
And I am just a dummy.
A backup tool, that is useful once awhile.
I just want to let go.
Slip into darkness.
And there won't be any emotions and troubles for me to bear anymore.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
The singtel plan sucks.
The handphone has so much problems and it wasn't cybershot. =(
I have to go through so much troubles solving all these.
Met up with Leon in the noon to borrow his spare handphone as mine is goin to the service center.
I alighted at Orchard while he headed to Beach Road to meet Leonard.
I wanted to go alone to the service center but Drin offered his company.
I met him and made our way to service centre.
After that, we had lunch, went to singtel to do my complaint of my inactive IDD caller.
Went over to Starbucks to study and awhile later he left for his grandma's birthday celebration.
I was there alone continued my research for my retail studies but I left for home before 9pm, too hungry.
But guess what?
No dinner.
Yesterday and today. Mum cooked but there isn't much left over.
So, I am stubborn enough not eating anything too.
Don't know why, but I just felt angry over it.
There is always good and sufficient food mum would cook when brother comes home for dinner. But does it means staying at home, I don't deserve to eat?
Grrr.. Today I had a stir at home.
Fuck sial. I thought he has grown up, him being in army and getting marry, I thought he should be so much more sensible.
But no, he is still love to compare sister with him and I.
Claiming that he is a fucking filial son that do good boot licking in front of daddy while I just do what I can do silently.
Being a leo, he is such a show off and braggart to make sure he is the best child they have.
My life is in a deep mess.
Most things are pretty screwed up.
I need to analyse, rearrange and plan them out.
I have enough problems of myself and don't have to add on more of others to mine.
I have no intention to make any decision for anyone other than myself.
Now, I have my stand and things I have to focus on.
I wish you luck.
But I need it more for myself.
So feel free to tag when you all misses me!
Hahas..more changes will be coming up but I'm tired already. =X
Anyone can help me or teach me how to load song into
Friday, July 4, 2008
School was at 10am.
1pm to 6pm was project and I headed down to city hall.
Gene was late.
So when he arrived, we went to get take away from KFC and some squid beard.
We went to sit around esplanade, hearing the national day rehearsal, picinicing under the stars.
Hahas..that was something I want to do long ago, it was supposed to be something romantic, and doing with some one you fancy but with him..hahas..just made me laugh.
But the catch up session was good.
We were chatted, laughed and joke about those people who were there. =X
The interesting about esplanade, as the day become darker, the more people there will be there?
It was like a crowd big enough for a party to get going.
It was time to go, I felt the change of my body temperature.
Cold, hot and cold again.
When I stand up, my vision blacked out.
Forehead was cold.
The journey home was hard. I felt as if I was drunk and I couldn't judge my vision well.
I managed to get home safely and awhile later, I'm sleeping like a log.
*Come on people.
It is one and the half month struggle.
From now to exam.
Projects, ,tutorials, tests, quiz, deadlines, presentations and examinations.
Persevere all the way.*
What the fuck I'm doing.
Let it go and focus on your study.
High expectation for others,
but higher for myself.
Stopped venting your anger and expect everyone in your pace.
Don't dance them around your fingers like puppets.
Live my own life the way I planned.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Screwed my body.
Is there an alternative that I can do?
What is the right way?
I know, they is never a right way.
I finished my tutorials at 2am last night.
Did my dad's accounting for the month of June. Abt 15 companies.
By the time I was done with typing and printing, it was already 4.30am.
I know I needed a minumum of 4hours of sleep if not I will definitely overslept.
But by the time I lay on my bed, it was 5am.
I have to wake up at 8am for the school at 9am.
I managed to not to be late = I slept for only 3hours.
I had diarrohea plus gastrics in the morning, running to the toilet a few times. Grrr..
I had a bomb prata and a hot milo for breakfast.
I had marketing hospitality project from 3-6.30pm today.
Before project I had chicken maccroni and I thought my tummy was fine.
But gastrics happened again when I went to Hello! at AMKHub about 8.30pm after reaching home awhile.
I wanted to sleep once I'm home.
But due to my dear brother, he dragged on the porting of my old mobile number from Starhub to Singtel for a month. Now, I had to pay for both bills. Grrr.
Luckily Lina picked me up from AMKHub and drove me to return my library books.
Great, I forgotten to return one of it. Grr..I have to go back again.
It was so so over due. =X
After she drove Alywine to Nee Soon Camp (just behind our estate), we headed home.
Talking to her, this persistent problem has been happening for long.
For her, 4 years.
It has alot of impacts on her, it has made her from recovery and slide back into darkness.
Her story was slightly similar to mine.
Talking to heri is like she is my reflection.
Facing my problem, my history all over again.
I'm just slightly lucky, It was shorter.
Memories as much.
But I know what I want.
Mind over heart.
I am determine and stubborn enough to make it the way I want it.
I talked to her till 11pm.
It has been long since I talked to her.
Darling, no matter what, I'm here for you.
Just look for me..4 houses away.
I'll be there for you.
I have to go to bed soon.
I have been surviving on 3hours of sleep.
Before that, I'm eating crabs! =X
I can never resist seafood. =X
I know, I have been sleeping after 3am every day for 4 weeks.
Sleeping time like 4am, 5am or even 7am.
Sleeping like 3 to 6hours each time.
I know I have been eating irregular meals.
I'll rest to take care of my body.
But there is so much to do, so little time.
I'll..I'll try my best.
I need sleep.
Monday, June 30, 2008
can you spare a thought for me?
I am tired,exhausted and stressed.
I slept at 3am on friday morining and attended reached school at 10.30am for project.
I went to work and slept at 5.30am on saturday.
I woke up at 12plus to go to work and slept at 7.30am on sunday morning.
I slept at 4am this morning and reached school at 9.30am.
Why must school work and family matters always come together?
I really have alot of things on my hand to do.
I needed to get them done but no one fucking understand me!!
I am tired of going through this all over again and again and again and again.
I am fucking sick and tired!!!
Yes, you did your part as a brother, you help me when I need you most.
Didn't I help you out, when you ask me too?
If I can, I did it for you.
I was preparing for test, tutorials and presentation when you ask me to help out the business.
I did my part.
But I am fucking tired and I had a ica presentation tml.
Many times.
Many times I slept late doing dad's accounts, helping out at home ended doing my school work late.
Many times you want me to help you out with the delivery and ended up alighting me somewhere quite a distance from the place you promised to alight me. I didn't complain.
Does it means being nice should always fucking be taken advantage off?!
Yet, you always expect good grades from me.
Telling me relationship will affect studies, but your way of making me part of your business isn't making it worse?
I needed money, can you help me?
You won't, telling me how much you had spend on the house yet I work you complaint that I work outside.
What the fuck you want from me?
Why can't you fucking understand me?
You always claim that you help me, but I did my part as your sister, I did something too.
Or many things.
Or to you, helping me out needed a favour to return and whatever I do, the favour can never be return.
Can't I be fucking selfish once awhile.
Sparing thoughts for people are so tiring.
I do it for others.
Who are there to spare a thought for me?
Many times, I wished that I do not exist that i will just vanished into thin air.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
To do list.
1) Book my driving test for my upcoming TP.
2) Do my projects researches and my part for the projects.
4) I have oral presentation for French on Monday. I have to practise it.
5) This week: I having project meetings on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
6) Do my tutorials.
7) A chatting session with one and a movie session with another next week.
8) Sunday, tanning session with ritz girls!!
9) Bring my handphone down to Sony Ericsson to service and have a software installation.
10) Find my handphone screen protector. Any one saw G900 screen protector around? =(
11) Do exam revision.
12) Meet another 2 friends. One for movie and dinner and another one for shopping and coffee.
13) I working on Friday and Saturday.
14) I want to work more! I want to have more income. So that I can spend it on my sweet escape, desserts and movies.
15) Heroes Season 3. Where are you? Anyone has them? I am desperate to watch them.
16) Most importantly thing to do, I need to focus on my studies.
Focus Focus Focus.
Clubbing session will wait till my exams over eh?
With the Ritz darlings, my clique and Roxanne. =)
Those who want to date me, let me know in advance eh?
Hahas..So that I can put you in my schedule. =)
Well, off to do my driving booking then my Hospitality, Resort and Leisure project research.
But off for dinner first.
Then prepare for school and work tomorrow.
I shall update more regularly..=)
Long long week.
I were supposed to go tanning with the Ritz girls. But it started raining and it was postponed once again. =(
The meeting time was 1.30pm and my darlings are all late! Hahas..
There were Sam, Serene, Sheralyn and Ivy; the arrangement was based on periodic arrival. Hahas..For Cherlyn, She went to Suki Sushi herself. She thought all of us were there already.
Hahas..Yea, I was broke yet I have Suki Sushi buffet with the girls. See..I always love my darlings! Hahas..We ate like we had been starved for a few days. Our order were a long long list.
The waiting time for our corn sushi, potato salad and cha soba was horrendenously long.
My god. Never eat their cha soba.
The sauce was tasteless.
The noodles were limp and no taste.
Since when did Kim says the food is not nice? Seldom right?
Therefore, when Kim commented on how horrible the food is, it is seriously unable to make it!
But the staffs were pretty poor thing. The queue was long and they had shortage of staffs.
After lunch, I went home to study for my upcoming tests. Horrible.
I had a long night studying for my PMS test and editing my Wiki website for tomorrow's presentation.
Slept about 3am.
Monday: 23rd June 2008
School at 9am.
PMS Quiz I didn't do well. I forgotten to study the textbook I bought. I forgotten it totally.
Haiz. I had back FMA test. I didn't fare well. Haiz.
Studied International Cross Culture. Test at 12pm.
I had to check and correcting my French written assignment.
Plus I have to do my other French assignment. =(
Have to submit both tommorrow.
I slept late again. Slept about 3am.
Tuesday:24th June 2008
School at 10am. Dad gave me a ride to school. I am fucking tired.
Lucky there isn't much French lesson, I managed to study for the test.
Talking to Diane distracted me. Hahas..But I really do enjoyed talking to her.
After school, I went and met up with an old friend.
He was supposed to go for his BTT trial. But he assumed he was smart enough to skip it and don't believed old ginger(me) that there is a certain quota to hit.
Well, meeting him, I had free milk tea. Hahas.. It has been so long since we last talked casually.
I was a little guilty. I was late for dinner and I have to leave early. Hahas..Sorry dude.
After the chat up, I went to amkhub to catch movie with Pei and Syl.
We were supposed to watch 7.30pm show but ended up we bought the tickets late. The girls had dinner at New York New York while I do my ESSR tutorial. Hahas.
After that, we went NTUC and shopped for tidbits!
We watched Penelope.
It was a nice movie.
Magically and sweet. =)
Just that I had a irritating group of people sitting behind me.
I had a guy with his leg sticking in between Pei and my seat.
And the guy who sat behind me, have been kicking my seat. I nearly screamed at him.
But I managed to tolerate it. =)
Well, I was really exhausted and wanted to go home after school. But I don't want to miss those activities I can have with friends.
Once I'm home, wash up, online awhile and sleep.
For a long long time about 3 weeks, I have nt been sleeping early.
1 am was early for me.
Compare to my 3am to 4am every night.
Wednesday: 25th June 2008
I didn't want to get out of my bed.
Lesson at 9am.
I want to sleep a little longer.
At 8.50am, I am still at my house bus stop.
I took advantage of the 10minutes grace and manage to reach school about 9.17am.
Eugene Pang's lesson is always enriching and chim..hahas..
Looking at his handsome figure also make studying easier. Plus his humour. =)
I accompanied Shu Hui to wait for her boyfriend after school and I head home.
I am exhausted.
I just slept on the bed.
I woke up at 7pm, had dinner and watched tv.
I wanted to study but my mind couldn't focus.
Grrr..maybe it was the exhaustion or I didn't have the urgency.
I was chatting online and watching tv. =X
I managed to study about 12am plus to 4am.
Went to bed.
Thursday:26th June 2008
Today, the alarm rang twice.
Mum woke me up once.
Maid woke me up the second time.
I am tired.
During lecture sat next to Shu Hui made me can't focused.
Hahas..been talking to her. =X
Lesson ended at 12pm and test at 5pm.
Shuhui went home to accompany her dog. MJ went to find her friends.
Syl, Pei and I had lunch at South canteen.
Hahas.. I was like waving non stop.
I saw so many of my friends!!
I saw Melissa, Angie, Qing, Rachel, De Wei and Daniel.
Hahas.. should be that much?
Hahas.. Happy happy. I love bumping into my friends.
After lunch, we head to library room to study.
We had a group discussion and remembering the Marketing Hospitality test points were much better..=)
Marketing Hospitality test was bad.
I don't understand the questions and I just try my best to ans them. =X
*pray hard that I'll pass all my 3tests*
French oral on monday. =(
Friday, June 20, 2008
There is this green dress/top I saw at Forever21 that I like alot. I wanted to get it but Des asked me not to and it stayed in my mind through out the movie. Hahas..But I bought it today. =)
Well, I'm going down to Marina Square TopShop tommorrow to buy that bag I like. Hahas..I don't need a sugar daddy, but a sweet dad. =)
Sometimes i don't know what is he thinking. He is being nice or nasty at times. =X But I still love him very much! =D
I went tanning with Roxanne today. Since we graduated from secondary school we always wanted to go out but we finally made it today. Hahas..We thought the weather wasn't good as it is raining yesterday plus it looked gloomy at yishun but we still proceed to Sentosa. But the sun was good!! Good sunny sun.
We were chatting with good scenery and sights around.
We did some tanning on the beach and proceed to CafeDelmar after that. It was a good decision. Cooling drinks, good comfort and great company. Interesting sights of transvasitves. One of them even exposed her nipples like nobody business. Maybe he is pretty desprate to be noticed.
But nevertheless, we still enjoy ourselves at the seats and the pool..snapping pictures away with her waterproof camera. =D
The date was great, she treated me lunch, we took loads of pictures, gossipped, chatted, laughed, and we got tanned. =)
AND I bought that green top/dress from Forever21. =D
Loads of photos are with her and I shall upload them soon after she sent me.
Thanks darling. I had a good day today. It was such an enojoyable day. Do take care eh?Loves!!
After Tanning.
Tasty lunch!