Monday, November 17, 2008

Same script different cast.

It is an issue that happens every now and then.
You will spare a thought for your wife being busy and tired from school but why do you reprimand me on my part.
So what she is your beloved?
Do you hate me that much?
Seeing me in misery makes you feel better?
We have e same blood in us, yet the way you reacted to me is so indifferent.
I can never understand you.
Sometimes, you are really a bitch.

I had my interview with Disneyland today.
It seem to be a fantastic experience to have my attachment at Disneyland.
But I'm not sure how it goes.
Hope I get accepted and I'll be off to States for 6months.
At least I will be able to escape from his misery.
Though I might miss his customary dinner.

School is at 8am every Monday.
School for Tuesday is usually 9am.
But I have to be in school at 8am sharp for Universal Studio Webinar.
A teleconference with Universal Studio management team from US.

Wish me luck people. I get to know Universal Studio attachment better and I get to know my interview results.

Praying hard.

1 comment:

shu said...

i realise i need to learn ur philosophy