Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Today, in business law lecture, it says that no consideration is establish unless there is an exchange of something of value therefore there is no legal binding made.
And, love, is not consider.
Is it worthless? Without a penny?

It is something mysterious.
It comes in many forms.
There is so many experiences one may go through.
Creating each a story of your own that no one else can own other then you two.

It makes me wonder.
It makes me ponder.
Things can be smooth sailing or be such a storm.
Not getting involve, give you peace.
But if you did, you may be in bliss.

Many many things goes through my head.
Memories so many years ago.
So long ago.
Yet, it feels so real.
But, yes.
It's so long ago.

It's all I want.
It's all I need.

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